
Hiroshima Today, 6th of August

On the day I was leaving my home in Hiroshima for the United States 3 years ago, my grandparents told me something I will always remember.

As they noticed I was already missing them, my grandpa who was a (Kamikaze-like) pilot during WW2 said to me "Don't worry about me. I'm already lucky enough to live up to now."
My grandma who was in Hiroshima City when the a-bomb happened also said "Right... I should have died in 1945. We are just living a given extra time."

Those two survivors from WW2 told me that, so I, another generation, could live my own life no matter where I would be.

People have their own life and just want to live it.
We just want to keep our peaceful life and pass it on to the future rather than becoming a hater, a revenger or a drama queen.

May Hiroshima have a peaceful 70th

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